How to shop?

Purchase is possible without registration.

All the Customers can create their account. If you are VAT payer you need make your Account necessary.

We recommended create an account. You will become a part of our loyalty program and you can get many benefits such as free shipping, discounts, new product notifications, discount vouchers for your family or friends.

In our online store you can choose from a large number of quality artificial flowers, wreaths and decorative items. After you add products to your cart, you will be redirected to a page where you can choose your shipping and payment method. All goods in stock will be delivered in 7 working days.

Payment methods:

Credit card payment 

The fastest way to pay online. In the PayU Payment Gateway interface, enter the card number, validity date and CVC code - three numbers, which you will find in the signature strip on the back of the card. Everything is secured by the 3D Secure standard, so you will probably be asked to enter a numeric code, which you will receive by SMS from your bank.

1. Debit & Credit Cards ( Mastercard, Visa) - online Secure Payment 

2. PayPal

3. Bank transfer

For individual payment plan, please, just contact us!

After selecting the shipping & payment methods, you will be asked to complete the form, where please provide all required information. We will then send you an order confirmation and an invoice to your e-mail address. We will then ship the goods. You will receive your purchase within 7 working days.

If you need more informations or any help, please, just contact us.

Phone: +421 910 654 144, e-mail:

For VAT Payers:

If you are VAT payer, the Invoices will be issued without VAT in REVERSE CHARGE mode by the EU law.

Please read the instructions carefully. Thank you!

1st step: Create your account

2nd step: We will send you log in details to your e-mail

3rd step: Change your password by the instructions in your e-mail

4th step: Our sales representative will contact you and confirm your account

5th step: You can complete your purchase

If you need any help, please, just contact us!